MAVIC PRO 의 경우 모바일 개발용 SDK를 제공합니다.
우선, developer.dji.com에 가입을 하셔야 하는데요.
가입을 하시고,
이 주소로 이동하시면 아래와 같은 화면을 보실 수 있습니다.
자, 여기서 여러분이 개발을 원하시는 플렛폼을 선택하시고
다운로드를 받으시면 됩니다.
>> 다운로드 <<
위의 다운로드 경로는 Android Mobile SDK v3.5.1입니다.
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모든 Application은 SDK를 사용하기 위해서 Unique App Key가 필요합니다.
키를 발급 받는 방법은 아래와 같습니다.
Generate an App Key
Every application needs a unique App Key to initialize the SDK.
To create an App Key for an application:
Go to the DJI developer User Center
Select the "Apps" tab on the left.
Select the "Create App" button on the right.
Enter the name, platform, package identifier, category and description of the application.
- For iOS, the package identifier is the Bundle Identifier.
- For Android, the package identifier is the Package Name.
An application activation email will be sent to complete App Key generation.
The App Key will appear in the user center, and can be copied and pasted into the application.
Android Sample App
Android Sample App
The SDK doesn't need to be downloaded to run the Android sample application as it's already included in the project.
Android Sample Code Setup
Download or clone the Android Sample Github Project from:
Open the project in Android Studio and paste the generated App Key string into android:value
in the "com.dji.sdk.API_KEY" meda-data element in the "AndroidManifest.xml" file.
Run the Sample App
Compile the sample application to the Android or iOS Mobile Device. Then the Mobile Device can be connected to the DJI product to run the Sample App.
For Aircraft that use Lightbridge as the wireless link between the Remote Controller and the Aircraft, the Mobile Device is connected to the product by USB.
For Aircraft or products that use WiFi as a wireless link, the Mobile Device is connected to the product by WiFi.
보시면 샘플 앱코드에서 API키를 등록하시는 부분이 보이실 겁니다.
다음에는 실제 SDK를 이용해 샘플 코드를 실행해보도록 하겠습니다.